, such as the
World of Warcraft’s 15 year anniversary starts tomorrow, giving players a chance to celebrate the game and earn exciting rewards for completing various activities, such as the

Lil’ Nefarian pet and Deathwing inspired

Obsidian Worldbreaker mount! The anniversary event lasts until early January, but has slightly different start and end dates depending on your region, so make sure you don’t miss out!

Lil’ Nefarian pet and Deathwing inspired

Obsidian Worldbreaker mount! The anniversary event lasts until early January, but has slightly different start and end dates depending on your region, so make sure you don’t miss out!
The Americas: November 5, 2019 – January 7, 2020
Europe: November 6, 2019 – January 8, 2020
Asia: November 7, 2019 – January 9, 2020
We’ve already got a guide up for the anniversary detailing how to earn your rewards from the Timewalking style raid and old school Alterac Valley events, and you can check out Blizzard’s official news post below.
This November marks the 15th anniversary of World of Warcraft, and we have some special things planned to commemorate the occasion.
November 6, 2019 – January 8, 2020 (Europe)
November 7, 2019 – January 9, 2020 (Asia)
New Raids: Memories of Azeroth
Chromie has separated the strands of time, allowing you to go back and relive epic raid encounters from Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Cataclysm. Each of these limited-time raids will feature three iconic bosses, and they’ll be available as their own wings through the Raid Finder.
To enter the raid, you need a minimum item level of 380. Players who complete all three wings will receive the achievement Memories of Fel, Frost and Fire which grants the Obsidian Worldbreaker, a Black Dragonflight mount inspired by Deathwing.
Return to Alterac Valley of Olde
Run down your enemies, raze their fortifications, and exchange the tokens you loot from their corpses to summon mighty reinforcements in Korrak’s Revenge, a throwback Battleground inspired by the earliest days of Alterac Valley.
Players who participate in Korrak’s Revenge and complete the Alterac Valley of Olde achievement can earn two new mounts: the Stormpike Battle Ram (Alliance) and the Frostwolf Snarler (Horde).
Anniversary Gift
Get ready to celebrate 15 years of World of Warcraft in style! Everyone who logs in during the event period will receive an Anniversary Gift in the mail, which includes a Lil’ Nefarian battle pet, a Celebration Package that increases experience and reputation gains throughout the event, a reusable firework that can be used for the duration of the event, an item that teleports you to the Caverns of Time (usable only during the event), and other in-game goodies.

This pocket-sized Lord of Blackrock is too small to call out any classes, but he can still dish up a good insult.
These events and rewards are available to experience this week in all regions. We’re looking forward to celebrating 15 epic years with you!